Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Individual and Social Behavior in Tagging Systems

As part of a much broader investigation on the peer production of information, Individual and Social Behavior in Tagging Systems [1] is a recent work that focuses on the quantitative aspects of tag reuse, item re-tagging and the implicit social relation inferred from the similarity of user interests.

The observations point to interesting directions on the design of systems, such as recommendation systems, that aim at exploiting past user activity. For instance, it providers quantitative evidence why item recommendation tends to be less efficient than tag recommendations in these systems (based on the relatively higher level of tag reuse, compared to the item re-tagging).

I must mention that this work is a result of a collaboration with an enthusiastic team: Nazareno Andrade, David Condon, Adriana Iamnitchi and Matei Ripeanu,


[1] Elizeu Santos-Neto, David Condon, Nazareno Andrade, Adriana Iamnitchi and Matei Ripeanu. "Individual and Social Behavior in Tagging Systems". In the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia. Torino, Italy, June 29-July 1, 2009.