Wednesday, September 13, 2006

"I read banned books"

I have seen a new post on the The Google Blog about a list of banned and challenged books from 20th century. It was nice to see that a lot of my favorite books are part of the list of best novels of the 20th century have been challenged or banned.

The interesting fact on that is that I do not usually decide about reading a book by magazine reviews and/or ranking of latest week's best sellers. I'd rather to collect good opinions in person talking to my friends. However, most of the time I discover good authors by 'accident' (by watching movies that refer some particular authors or by listening to some music which is inspired in some books). :-)

Furthermore, the list contains several books that I have already put on my shelf. Now, I was wondering what would be banned today ?

Keep reading! ;-)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Fall is coming... Not really!

Alright, the Fall is almost coming, right? Not really. :-) I am in Brazil now and here Spring starts late this month. Thus, the inspiring summer days in Ryerson Hall at University of Chicago working in collaboration with Kate Keahey from Argonne National Labs as part of an internship are behind now.

However, we will be able to remember our wonderful conversation about Shakespeare and Tom Stoppard plays, since our paper was accepted in the Supercomputing'06. The work is entitled To Bid or Not To Bid: A Hybrid Market-Based Resource Allocation Framework. Actually, talking about those authors was motivated by the title that I suggested to the paper. I almost included 'Arcadia' and 'Romeo & Juliet' in the references. :-)

Now, I am part of the LSD-family (Laboratorio de Sistemas Distribuidos) again, at least for the next 4 months. The idea is to be involved with the same research topics that I have been looking into during the summer season at Chicago, but the application is different. The goals is to improve the virtualization solution provided by the OurGrid. I am very glad to be here after one year away to meet my former advisors and friends.

So, I'm looking forward to be in the Supercomputing in November. I hope to see most of my friends from Chicago there. Making new friends is part of the plan as well. :-)
