Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Today, after a random walk on the web graph, I hit the website of band that like a lot: Aerotrio.

A recommendation is: while listening carefully to their music, appreciate some photographies by Salvatore. At least, it seems a good combination to me.

It would be great to see a concert by Aerotrio someday again.


. said...

Fala Ziglee... estás bem?

Cara, Canadá?!?!?! terra do Rush...

Brother, forte abraço pra você, obrigado pelas palavras e/de apoio no teu blog.

Nos falamos.


. said...

Fala Ziglee, hehehehe... estás bem?

Brother, obrigado pelos comentários e pelas palavras no teu blog.

Estás na terra do Rush!?!?!!


Forte abraço, tudo de bom e vamos nos falando.
